My Education

I am currently enrolled in Master of Science in Computer Science program at Georgia Tech, Atlanta. I have attended four formal schools, and loved all of them. More about them below.

MS, Computer Science
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta

Aug. 2007 - May 2009

For most of my MS, I have worked as a Graduate Research Assistant under Dr. James Tsai and Dr. Zhaohua Wang. While I have worked towards a specialization in both Systems and Graphics, I have also taken implementation based courses in Databases and Web/Desktop application development.

I have a GPA of 3.5 / 4.0. I have taken the following courses here:

  1. Advanced Operating Systems
  2. Database Systems Implementation
  3. Introduction to Enterprise Systems
  4. Real Time Systems
  5. Visual Methods in Science and Engineering (Scientific Visualization)
  6. Computer Graphics
  7. Adv. Image Synthesis
  8. Research Topic: Camera-pose Alignment Optimization
  9. Autonomous Robotics
  10. Computability and Algorithms
  11. Government and Politics of Western Europe (Summer Course)

B Tech, Computer Science & Engineering
G B Pant University, Pantnagar, India
(First Division with Distinction)

Aug. 2003 - Jun. 2007

Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology was my undergrad university. My cumulative GPA  here was 7.8 / 10 which translates into an overall A-plus in the American system. Here, I had the honor of working closely with Dr. S D Samantray, Dr. B K Singh, Dr. H L Mandoria and Dr. Rajiv Singh. The university was established by the Govt. of India with close assistance of United States and six universities, including UIUC and Penn State. More details about the university here and here.

I cannot mention all the courses, as I had taken about 157 credits here - the university was known for its rigorous curriculum. My learning experience was greatly enhanced by the professional internships and academic research assistantships that I worked on during my undergraduate degree.

High School - AISSCE-2003 and AISSE-2001
St. Gabriel's Academy, Roorkee, India

Apr. 1988 - Jun. 2003

My school was a very important part of my education. Set up by the German missionaries Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel and overlooked by Bengal Sappers Corps of Indian Army, it was held in high regard for the quality education it provided.