
Hi all, welcome to my page.

I am Paavan Vasudev, a M.S. Computer Science student of College of Computing at Georgia Tech. I am also a Graduate Research Assistant at College of Architecture. My concentration areas and interests are Application Development, Databases, Systems, Image Processing and Graphics.

Stats tell me that my website is visited mostly by new graduate students from every corners of the globe and also perspective employers before interviews. I have tried to cater for both of these interests. Whatever your purpose, if you are interested in me, then you can learn about me and my life.

And do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of some help.

Update: I have graduated from Georgia Tech, and I am working at Dell, Atlanta. I hope to update this site soon.

My Bio

I am Paavan Vasudev, a Computer Science Graduate Student and Research Assistant at Georgia Tech, Atlanta.

View My Resume